Definition of Police dog

1. Noun. Any dog trained to assist police especially in tracking.

Generic synonyms: Working Dog

Definition of Police dog

1. Noun. A canine trained and employed by the police to pursue suspects or sniff out contraband. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Police Dog

police blotter
police boat
police box
police boxes
police captain
police car
police cars
police chief
police commissioner
police constable
police court
police cruiser
police department
police departments
police detective
police dog
police dogs
police force
police forces
police headquarters
police investigation
police lieutenant
police line
police matron
police office
police officer
police officers
police power
police powers
police precinct

Literary usage of Police dog

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature by H.W. Wilson Company (1915)
"Tech World 23:330-4 My '15 police dog in America. WA Dyer. 11 Country 339-41 Ap '15 model police headquarters. il Am City 12: Policewomen Establishing ..."

2. St. Nicholas by Mary Mapes Dodge (1920)
"The German police-dog, who had been on Flanders' Fields and was noted for his courage, ... Never, never had that police-dog heard of such a thing. ..."

3. Wards of the State: An Unofficial View of Prison and the Prisoner by Tighe Hopkins (1913)
"In Belgium, France, and Germany the police dog has passed the probationary stage. ... In neighbourhoods known for the possession of a first-rate police dog ..."

4. The Complete Dog Book by William Arthur Bruette (1921)
"Commonly called the police dog, by reason of the large number used in night ... It is often referred to as the Belgian police dog and as the French Police ..."

5. Scout, Red Cross and Army Dogs: A Historical Sketch of Dogs in the Great War by Theo. F. Jager (1917)
"We know the dog in America first as a police dog, then as'an army and Red Cross dog, while for several years he was generally known only by the name of a ..."

6. A Year as a Government Agent by Vira (Boarman) Whitehouse (1920)
"In Berne when a great German police dog met him on the winding staircase of the hotel, took him up by the nape of the neck and shook him like a rat, ..."

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